Richard Secord CV


1.ERCBD-88-141988082519881116Manalta Coal Ltd.Coal Mining
2.NRCB92011993062119931203Vacation AlbertaTourism
3.ERCBD 94-31994031419940405Cardinal River CoalsCoal Mining
4.NRCB93011994051619941103ASWTCHazardous Waste
5.PUBE940761994062019941104TransAltaNetwork Services
6.EUBE951021994112819951020Alberta Power Ltd.1993 GRA
7.EAB95-0061995060519950823ASWTCHazardous Waste
8.EAB94-0171995061519950823Alberta CementCement Plant
9.EAB95-0201996011519960214Custom EnvironmentalWaste Management
10.EARP96/06/211996012219960621BHP DiamondsDiamond Mines
11.EAB95-0251996050719960628ASWTCHazardous Waste
12.EUBU97065 Vol.1 &
1996071519971031Alberta Power Ltd.1996 ETA
13.EAB95-025-21997041419970414ASWTCHazardous Waste
14.EUBD 97-151997072919971127MaxwellOil Well
15.EUBD 98-21997093019980129NumacDownspacing
16.EAB97-0051997100719971209TransAltaWabamun Power Plant
17.EUBD 98-51997102919980326CNRLDownspacing
18.EUBD 99-221998113019990916Imperial OilHeavy Oil
19.EUBU990341998120219990810Alberta Power Ltd.1996 GRA
20.EUBD 99-71999011219990323SuncorOil Sands
21.EUB1043597 (1)1999020420000316SuncorHVP Pipeline
22.EUBD 99-231999030919990928CorridorPipeline
23.EUBU99099 Vol.1 &
1999032919991125ATCO Electric1999/2000 ETA
24.EUBD 99-261999041319991025StartechSour Gas
25.NEBMH-1-991999042919990525Alliance PipelinePipeline Routing
26.EUBD 99-191999060919990818FletcherOil Battery
27.EUBD 99-301999070619991214StampedeSour Oil
29.EUB2000-11999091520000202EAL1999/2000 GRA
30.EUB2000-61999100420000204NGTL1999 Products and Pricing
34.EUB2001-332000101720010508EPCORRossdale Power Plant
35.EUB2001-092000110720010320ShellSour Gas
36.EUB2001-342001012220010508ATCO PipelinesPipeline
37.EUB10731002001020120010207MaginSour Gas
38.EUB2001-482001030620010605Gulf CanadaSour Gas
39.EUB2001-652001040520010731ATCO GasSale of PNG Rights
40.EUB2001-752001043020011031GenericGas Rate Unbundling
41.EUB2002-0252001060420020416GENCO2000 PPDA
42.EUB2001-08-172001081020010817EPCORGenesee Power Plant
44.EUB2001-1112001091820011221EPCORGenesee Power Plant
45.EUB2001-09-282001092120010928TransAltaKeephills Power Plant
46.EUB2002-0142001103020020212TransAltaKeephills Power Plant
48.EUB2002-0552002020520020607CCSWaste Disposal
49.EUB2002-0462002031320020510Penn WestOil Battery
51.ECB18/02/2362002090220030403Devon CanadaSurface Rights
52.EUB2003-0192002091220030228ANCA2002/2003 DTA
54.EUB2003-0272003040120030423ATCO ElectricTransmission Facilities
55.EUB2003-0302003041620030430PolarisSour Gas
56.EUB2003-0542003061620030708AESOArticle 24 Refund
57.EUB2003-1112003091320031216PolarisSour Gas
58.EUB2003-0882003102320031118ComptonSour Gas
59.EAB03-1162004022320040426Capstone EnergyOil Field Injection
60.EUB2004-0902004083120041019EOGSour Gas
61.EAB04-0092004110520050106LaFarge CanadaSand & Gravel
63.EUB2005-0602005011120050622ComptonSour Gas
64.EUB2005-0962005041120050828AESO2005/2006 GTA
65.EUB2005-0882005071120050803KetchSour Gas
66.EUB2005-1292005100520051201KetchSour Gas
67.SDAB05-D-057 & 05-D-0582005102720051107Burnco Rock ProductsGravel Extraction
68.EUB2006-0252006021620060310BurlingtonSour Gas
69.SRB2007-00372006060120070306Trans AltaSurface Rights
71.JRP(2)2007-0132006110620070227Imperial OilOil Sands
72.EUB2007-0552007010920070724BearspawSour Gas
73.EUB2007-0582007050120070807North WestUpgrader
74.EUB2007-1062007051420071221AESO2007 GTA
75.EUB2007-0802007062720071030IntrepidSweet Gas
77.ERCB2008-0422008031620080527CNRLSweet Pipeline
78.SRB2009-02042008040320090603Access PipelineSurface Rights
81.ERCB2008-0922008072920081014OMERSSweet Pipeline
82.ERCB2008-1022008073120081028CNRLOil Well and Pipelines
83.JRP(3)NR2008-032008092220081219Glacier PowerHydro Electric
84.ERCB2009-0722008102920091215TrilogySour Gas Well
85.NRCB07022009012720090213HAZCOSulphur Storage
86.NRCBNR 2009-012009041420090721HAZCOSulphur Storage
87.ERCB2009-0732009081120091222AltaGas Ltd.Sour Gas Plant
88.JRP(4)2011-0052010092120110127Total E & P JoslynOil Sands Mine
89.AUC2010-5232010110220101108AltaLink & EPCOR500 kV Transmission Lines
90.AUC2011-4362011041120111101AltaLink & EPCORHeartland Transmission Project
91.AUC2011-1982011042020110505AltaLinkWestern Alberta Transmission Line Project
92.AUC2011-4532011050220111118AltaLink2011-2013 Transmission General Tariff Application
93.AUC2011-2372011052020110531ATCO Electric Ltd.Eastern Alberta Transmission Line Project
94.AUC2012-1202011111420120508AltaLinkHanna Region Transmission Development
95.EAB10-0342011112220120125Gas Plus Inc.Appeal of Environmental Protection Order
96.AUCID No. 15532012011920120207MSAApproval of a Negotiated Settlement
97.ERCB2012 ABERCB 0082012030620120710Shell CanadaCarbon Capture & Storage
98.AUC2012-1822012031420120703MSAApproval of a Negotiated Settlement
99.AUC2012-2202012050820120815ATCOAbee 144kV Transmission Line Project
100.AUC2012-3272012061120121206AltaLinkWestern Alberta Transmission Line Project (500 kV DC)
101.AUC2012-3032012072320121115ATCOEastern Alberta Transmission Line Project (500 kV DC)
102.AUC2012-3602012112620121224AltaLinkFoothills Area Transmission Development (240 kV)
103.AUC2013-3582012120520130924ATCO2013-2014 Transmission General Tariff Application
104.SRB2013/06182013021320130829CNRLSurface Rights
105.AUC2013-2332013042220130627ATCOBonnyville to Bourque 240 kV Transmission Line Project
106.AUC2013-3692013051420131007AltaLinkFoothills Area Transmission Development (240 kV)
107.AUC2013-4072013060320131112AltaLink2013-2014 Transmission General Tariff Application
108.AUC2013-3322013071620130830ATCO 144 kV transmission facilities in the Bonnyville area
109.AUC2014-0402013102820140220BluEarth Renewables46 2.5 MW Industrial Wind Turbines in the Provost area
110.AUC2013-4462013110520131220ATCO144 kV transmission line facilities in the St. Paul area
111.AUC2014-2422014012720140821AESO2014 GTA
112.SDAB2014-04-302014041620140430Woodlands CountyDevelopment in a floodway
113.SDAB2014SDAB012014081420140828Stony ValleyGravel Extraction
114.SRB2015 ABSRB 6802014090320150911AltaLinkSurface Rights
115.AUC3183-D01-20152015041320150609TransAltaSundance 7 Power Plant
116.SRB2015 ABSRB 8702015042520151109ATCOSurface Rights
117.SRB2017 ABSRB 615201506182017 06 22 ATCOSurface Rights
118.AUC3585-D03-20162015110920160606AltaLink2012 and 2013 Deferral Accounts
119.AUC3524-D01-20162015120820160509AltaLink2015-2016 General Tariff Application
120.AUC3329-D01-20162016040720160519E.ONGrizzly Bear Creek Wind Power Project
121.AUC20924-D01-20162016042520160715AltaLinkSWEATD  Cooking Lake Development
122.AUC20987-D01-20162016042520160728AltaLinkSWEATD  Harry Smith Development
123.AUC21030-D02-20172016101220170210Alberta PowerLineFort McMurray West 500 kV Transmission Project
124.AERProceeding ID 3462017031320170722Bashaw OilSour Oil Wells
125.SRB2017 ABSRB 9582017050320171031ATCOSurface Rights
126.SRB2018 ABSRB 1882017091220180509Grand RapidsSurface Rights
127.SRB 2018 ABSRB 110

2018 ABSRB 126



AltaLinkSurface Rights
128. SRB2018 ABSRB 5142018011120181017AltaLinkSurface Rights
129.SRB2019/08402019031220191204AltaLinkSurface Rights
130.AUC23757_X041920190314201903 22AESOCapacity Market Rules
131.AUC22942-D02-2019201903182019 0922AESO2018 Independent System Operator Tariff
132.AUC23757201904222019 0729AESOCapacity Market Rules
133.AUC23943-D01-20202019110420200312EPCORWest Edmonton Transmission Project
134.SRB2020/08682019120320201029Houston Oil & Gas Ltd.Surface Rights
135.AUC24827-D01-20202020021020200401ATCO GasNorthwest Calgary Connector Pipeline
136.AUC22843-D04-20202020091720201217BER Hand Hills Wind GP Inc.Hand Hills Wind Project
137.JRP2021 ABAER 0102020102720210617Benga Mining LimitedGrassy Mountain Coal Project
138.NRCBNR 2021-01202103 2120210622Alberta TransportationSpringbank Off-Stream Reservoir
139.AUC26145-D01-20212021062320210923AltaLinkNilrem to Vermilion Transmission Project
140.AUC26677-D01-20222022021420220505Enel WindGrizzly Bear Creek Wind Power Project
141.AUC26435-D01-20222022031420220518Solar KrafteBrooks Solar Farm
142.AUC20220426AEL FAI2023 Cost-of-Service Review
(1)Application withdrawn by Suncor Energy Inc. after start of Hearing.
(2)EUB and CEAA.
(3)AUC, CEAA and NRCB.


 1. 1982Dickson v. Poon Estate1982 ABCA 112
 2. 1984Simmonds v. Northwards Airlines Ltd.1984 ABCA 97
 3. 1985United Mine Workers of America, District 18 v. Cardinal River Coals Ltd. 1984 ABCA 28
 4. 1992Kaverit Steel and Crane Ltd. v. Kone Corporation 1992 ABCA 7
 5. 1993Kaverit Steel and Crane Ltd. v. Kone Corporation1993 ABCA 150
 6. 1993Babiuk v. Chrapko 1993 CanLII 7051
 7. 1996Kostuch v. Alberta (Director, Air & Water Approvals Divisions, Environmental Protection)1996 CanLII 10565
 8. 1998Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation v. Canada1998 ABQB 766
 9. 1998Desrosiers v. Gough1999 ABQB 523
 10. 1999R. v. Lefebvre1999 ABQB 523
 11. 1999Canada v. Cool Spring Dairy Farms Ltd.1999 ABQB 247
 12. 2000Tottrup v. Lund2000 ABCA 121
 13. 2000Paron v. Alberta (Minister of Alberta Environmental Protection2000 ABQB 464
 14. 2001Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation v. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 2001 FCA 62
 15. 2001Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation v. British Columbia2001 ABCA 112
 16. 2001Houle v. Canada 2001 1 FC 102
 17. 2001Wolfe v. Ermineskin 2001 FCA 199
 18. 2003Alliance Pipeline Ltd. v. Smith 2003 ABQB 843
 19. 2004Mountain Parks Watershed Assn. v. Chateau Lake Louise Corp. 2004 FC 1222
 20. 2006Agostini v. Parkland (County)2006 ABCA 127
 21. 2006Paron v. Alberta (Environmental Protection)2006 ABQB 375
 22. 2008Alliance Pipeline Ltd. v. Smith 2008 FC 12
 23. 2009Cymbaluk v. Alberta (Surface Rights Board)2009 ABQB 263
 24. 2009Alliance Pipeline Ltd. v. Smith2009 FCA 110
 25. 2009Olsen v. Jones2009 ABQB 371
 26. 2010Nette v. Stiles2010 ABQB 14
 27. 2010Dickson v. Pinder2010 ABQB 269
 28. 2010Malinowski v. Schneider2010 ABQB 734
 29. 2010Read v. Maloney2010 ABQB 794
 30. 2011Smith v. Alliance Pipeline Ltd.2011 SCC 7

Conferences and Publications

1. 1979“Competence and Compellability of Wives at Common Law”17 Alberta Law Review 313
2. 1979“Book Reviews – Introduction to Conflict of Laws”17 Alberta Law Review 563
3. 1989“Indians and The Law: The Application of Provincial Laws to Indians and Indian Lands, The Constitutional Background”Indians & The Law Conference, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Edmonton
4. 1990“The Role of the Consultant in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process”Environmental Assessment
Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
5. 1990“Environmental Mediation: A Viable Alternative to Achieving Economic Growth with Environmental Protection”Environmental Assessment
Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
6. 1990“Legal Liability: How do stewards cope with injuries, vandalism, enforcement, public policy and other
legal issues? What are the roles of stewards, societies and the Natural Areas Program?”
Working Together for Natural Areas, The First Annual Natural Areas Volunteer Steward Conference,
Strathcona Wilderness Centre
7. 1992“The use of Environmental Dispute Resolution in Environmental Matters”Meeting of The Environmental Law Section – Northern, Canadian Bar Association, Edmonton
8. 1992Conference Co-ChairWorking with the Natural Resources Conservation Board Conference, Edmonton
9. 1993“Multi-party environmental mediation - The Thorhild Experience; a process for siting a waste management
facility for the Capital Region”
Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society Meeting, Edmonton
10. 1993“Conflict Resolution and Mediation”Alberta Environmental Network Annual General Meeting Workshop, Edmonton
11. 1994“Legal Aspects of Geo-Environmental Projects”Geotechnical Society of Edmonton Meeting, Edmonton
12. 1994“When Negotiations Fail; Case Study of A Commercial Arbitration”Law Now, Volume 18, Issue 8, p.13
13. 1994“Natural Resources Conservation Board Decision on the Importation of Hazardous Waste”Meeting of The Environmental Law Section – Northern, Canadian Bar Association, Edmonton
14. 1996“Aboriginal issues in an Environmental Law Context”Meeting of The Environmental Law Section – Northern, Canadian Bar Association, Edmonton
15. 1999“Interacting with Authorities in Cases of Industrial Sabotage”Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
16. 2002“Reflections on a case study of an oil and gas development that raises health and cultural integrity concerns’Human Rights and Resource Development in Alberta: A Workshop, Canadian Institute of Resources Law, Calgary
17. 2002“Electrical Deregulation: Environmental Implications of Increased Demand and Supply”8th Annual What’s New in Environmental Law & Regulation in Alberta
Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
18. 2004Guest LecturerConstitutional Litigation Course, Law School, University of Alberta
19. 2004“Key Steps to Prepare for an Abandonment Audit and Protect Your Company from Liability Ensuring that
Operations Are In Check and Books Are in Order”
Top Techniques and Strategies for Managing Well & Pipeline
Abandonment for Oil & Gas

Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
20. 2005Guest LecturerConstitutional Litigation Course, Law School, University of Alberta
21. 2005“Lessons Learned From Representing Landowners: Implications for Industry”Community Consultation and Land Development A Regulatory and Strategic Summit
for the Oil & Gas and Other Resource-based Industries

Insight Information Conference, Calgary
22. 2005“Lessons Learned From Representing Landowners: Surface Rights and Water Use”Water and Land Use For The Oil Industry, A Regulatory and Strategic Summit

Insight Information Conference, Calgary
23. 2006“The Interface Between the Farmer / Rancher and Oil and Gas Development”2nd Annual Farm & Ranch Law Institute, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Calgary
24. 2006“In January 2005, The EUB Held a Hearing into an Application by Compton Petroleum to Drill 6 Critical Sour Gas
Wells (With an H2S content of 35.6%) 1 Mile Southeast of Calgary. The Hearing Lasted 30 Days. The Board Issued a
Decision in June 2005. How Did the Farmers Fare?”
Meeting of The Environmental Law Section – Northern, Canadian Bar Association, Edmonton
25. 2006“The Interface Between the Farmer and CBM”Alberta Coal Bed Methane Tour, Camrose
26. 2006Guest LecturerConstitutional Litigation Course, Law School, University of Alberta
27. 2006“Oil Spills and Sour Gas Pipeline Breaks: Legal and Environmental Response and Resolution Process”5th Annual Aboriginal Oil & Gas - Preparing and Planning for the Next Wave
of Resource Development Projects

Insight Information Conference, Edmonton
28. 2006“Effectively Consulting Around Environmental Realities of CBM”Oil and Gas Stakeholder
Consultation - Developing successful relationships with Aboriginal and local
communities throughout Alberta

Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
29. 2006“Concerns of landowners in southwest Alberta who feel threatened by oil and gas development”Environmental Science 502: Special Projects in Environmental Management, University of Calgary
30. 2006Conference Chair
“How the Alberta Regulatory Framework is Evolving to Protect Water Supply - The Consultation Process”
Water and Land Use in Alberta -
Sustainable Resource Management in a Boom Economy

Insight Information Conference, Calgary
31. 2007Conference Chair
“Critical Updates on Alberta Energy and
Utilities Board Directives Associated with Well and Pipeline Abandonment and
Discontinuation Processes”
Well & Pipeline Abandonment, Suspension & Discontinuation

Canadian Institute Conference, Calgary
32. 2007Conference Chair3rd Annual Water and Land Management in Alberta Industry - Strategies for Balancing Economic Prosperity
with Environmental Sustainability

Insight Information Conference, Calgary
33. 2008Conference Co-Chair
“Land Use Conflict in Upgrader Alley, Alberta’s Industrial Heartland – A Case Study”
4th Annual Water and Land Management in

Insight Information Conference, Calgary
34. 2010Current Regulations Impacting Well and Pipeline Abandonment and Discontinuation Practices Well & Pipeline Abandonment Suspension and Reclamation Conference

Canadian Institute, Calgary
35. 2011Current Issues in Informed Consent Health Law Seminar

Legal Education Society of Alberta, Edmonton & Calgary
36. 2011Conference Co-Chair
Land Use Impacts from Alberta’s Multi-Billion Dollar High Voltage Transmission Line Construction Program
7th Annual Water and Land Management Summit

Insight, Calgary
37. 2012ENGO Standing at the ERCB and NEB3rd Annual Energy Regulatory Forum

McDougall Centre, Calgary
38. 2013Controlling Risk and Limiting Liability in the Remediation and Reclamation of Contaminated and/or Abandoned SitesEnvironmental Law & Regulation in Alberta; Complying With The New Regulatory Framework

Canadian Institute, Calgary
39.2014A Critical Update on the Latest Case Law Impacting Cumulative EffectsCumulative Effects Assessment & Management

CI Energy Group, Edmonton
40.2015Remediation of Contaminated Sites and WellsEnvironmental Law & Regulation in Alberta

Canadian Institute, Calgary